Can you find a holiday rental in Cambridge that offers punting tours on the Cam?

11 June 2024

Planning a holiday to explore the rich history and picturesque landscapes of Cambridge? There's an excellent chance you can find a rental that offers punting tours on the River Cam. With its famous university, idyllic colleges and intriguing museums, Cambridge is a city that invites its visitors to step back into history. But let’s not […]


What to look for in a holiday rental in Oxford that caters to history students?

11 June 2024

Oxford, the city of dreaming spires, is synonymous with knowledge and learning. It is here that esteemed scholars, politicians, and luminaries from around the world have come to study, leaving their indelible marks on the sands of time. However, Oxford is not just a city for the intellects; it is a city for everyone, be […]


How to ensure a holiday rental in the Cotswolds has a private herb garden?

11 June 2024

Absorbing the tranquility of an English countryside, the Cotswolds is a perfect getaway. Imagine staying in a quaint cottage boasting beautiful bedrooms, with a private herb garden as an added benefit. The Cotswolds is teeming with holiday rentals that offer this experience. But how do you ensure your prospective holiday rental has a private herb […]

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